A Series on Faith: Part 2 Surrendering to God's Voice

For much of my life, I’ve wrestled with the voices in my mind that tell me I’m not enough. These whispers of doubt, inadequacy, and fear have echoed in moments when I felt like I couldn’t measure up—not as a mother, a wife, or even simply as myself. I’ve fought to silence those lies, but they always seemed to return, louder and more convincing. It wasn’t until I truly surrendered to God and began to listen to His voice that I realized the battle was never mine to fight alone.

In my relationship with God, I’ve come to understand that His truth is the only truth that matters. It’s easy to get caught up in the highs and lows of life, defining my worth by my successes and failures. I used to see myself as nothing more than the sum of these moments. But when I bring my brokenness and uncertainty to God, He reminds me of who I am in His eyes.

God tells me I am loved, even when I feel numb and unworthy. He says I am strong, even when I feel like I’m drowning in my weaknesses. When I fall short or feel like I don’t belong, He holds me, calls me His, and reassures me that I am enough—not because of what I’ve done, but because of who He is. It’s an overwhelming, unexplainable grace that has completely shifted my perspective.

Letting Go of Lies

For so long, I believed the lies about myself—that I was too broken, too flawed, and too far gone emotionally to be worthy of love, let alone God’s love. But surrendering to God has been like stepping into the light after years of stumbling in the dark. He’s taught me to let go of the lies and hold on to His truth instead.

This shift hasn’t been easy. I still find myself questioning, still wondering if I’m doing enough or being enough. But every time those doubts creep in, I hear God whispering, “You are mine. You are loved.” And I have to remind myself to believe it—to trust what He says, even when it feels too good to be true.

Finding My Identity in God

One of the most profound realizations I’ve had is that my identity isn’t rooted in the things of this world. It’s not in my achievements or failures, nor is it in the roles I play in life. My worth isn’t something I have to earn; it’s something God has already given me.

God’s voice cuts through the noise of insecurity and tells me, “In Me, you are whole. In Me, you are enough.” It’s a truth I cling to, especially in the moments when I feel like I’m falling short. The world may measure worth by what we accomplish, but God measures it by who we are in Him.

Laying It All at His Feet

Surrendering to God means taking everything—my fears, my failures, my victories—and laying it at His feet. It’s an act of trust that says, “God, I can’t do this on my own. Take it all.” He doesn’t just take my burdens; He transforms them. What felt like failures in my hands become victories in His. What felt like broken pieces become something beautiful in His care.

In this journey of faith, I’ve learned that God doesn’t just see my potential—He sees me as I am, and He loves me completely. When I don’t feel worthy, He reminds me that His love isn’t something I could ever earn; it’s a gift He freely gives. And in that love, I’ve found freedom, peace, and a sense of belonging that I never thought possible.

Choosing to Believe

Every day, I have to make the choice to believe what God says about me. It’s not always easy—especially when doubt creeps in or when life feels overwhelming. But faith isn’t about having all the answers or feeling confident all the time. It’s about trusting in God’s promises, even when I can’t see or feel them.

God’s voice is steady and unwavering, reminding me that I am His. In Him, I find my worth and my identity. And because of Him, I can walk forward in faith, no longer defined by my fears but by His truth. This journey isn’t perfect, but it’s real, and it’s a testimony to the power of surrendering to God and believing what He says


A Series on Faith: Part 3 Discovery


A Series on Faith: Part 1 FIRST