Body Image Positivity: A Journaling Prompt
The days when body shaming was socially acceptable are dwindling, and a beautiful shift is taking place. More people are choosing to live boldly and proudly in their bodies, embracing their uniqueness. But if you’re still hiding in your body, feeling like you need to lose 10, 20, or 100 pounds to truly live, it’s time for a mindset shift. Happiness isn’t a destination marked by a number on a scale—it’s a journey you can begin today, right where you are.
Imagine journaling in the fresh air, surrounded by the soothing sounds of nature, as you embark on a path of self-discovery and acceptance. Let’s use this workshop to reflect on your relationship with your body and nurture a new narrative—one of love, gratitude, and positivity. Here are some journaling prompts and insights to guide your journey:
1. How Was Your Body Image Formed?
Take a moment to reflect on the origins of your body image. What messages did you receive growing up? Were there specific comments, societal standards, or family influences that shaped how you see yourself?
Insight: Understanding the roots of your body image can help you identify beliefs that no longer serve you. Recognize that many of these messages were not about you but about the world’s limited understanding of beauty. Let’s rewrite the script.
2. When Were You First Aware of Your Body’s Magnificence?
Think back to a time when you marveled at your body. Maybe it was when you ran your first mile, held a child in your arms, or healed from an injury. Write about that moment.
Insight: Your body is a masterpiece in motion, capable of incredible feats. These moments of awe remind us to honor and celebrate our bodies for what they can do, not just how they look.
3. When Did You First Feel Embarrassed About Your Body?
Recall a time when you felt ashamed or self-conscious about your body. What happened, and how did it make you feel? Write without judgment, simply observing your thoughts and emotions.
Insight: These memories can be painful, but they also highlight the societal pressures and unrealistic standards we’ve been exposed to. Recognizing these moments allows you to release their power over you.
4. List 3 Ways (or More) You Criticize Your Body
Be honest with yourself. What are the things you say to yourself about your body? Write them down.
Insight: Now that these criticisms are on paper, imagine saying them to your best friend or a loved one. Feels wrong, doesn’t it? Treat yourself with the same kindness you extend to others.
5. List 5-7 Things Your Amazing Body Does for You
Shift the focus to gratitude. Write a list of all the ways your body serves you every day. Maybe it’s your heart beating, your lungs breathing, or your legs carrying you on adventures.
Insight: When we focus on what our bodies do rather than how they look, we cultivate appreciation and love for the vessels that make our lives possible.
6. Write a Letter to Your Younger Self
Find a picture or think of yourself as a child. Write to that small human, telling them what you love about them. Imagine explaining your current self-criticisms to this child. How would they feel? Would they understand why you’re so hard on yourself?
Insight: This exercise can be deeply emotional. It reminds us that our inner child deserves love and kindness, not the harsh words we’ve adopted. Love yourself as you are, here and now, and honor that little human who dreamed big and believed in magic.
Closing Thoughts: Love Yourself Here and Now
You don’t have to wait to live. You don’t need permission from society, a magazine cover, or even yourself to be happy today. Your body is a part of your journey, not the destination. Notice your best assets. Say them out loud. Celebrate your uniqueness and let go of the mainstage societal views or beauty industry standards.
Take these reflections and let them guide you to a place of self-love. Feel the grass beneath your feet, the sun on your skin, and the air filling your lungs as you embrace the wonder of being alive. Let your body be your partner in joy, adventure, and living out loud—exactly as you are, on your way to wherever you’re going.