A Series on Faith: Part 5 Living in Alignment

Trusting the Journey and Embracing the Bigger Picture

When I think about living in alignment with faith and trust, I think about a dance—one where I don’t lead, but instead allow myself to be guided. It’s not always graceful. There are missteps, moments of hesitation, and times I feel out of rhythm. But when I surrender to the flow, when I align my steps with something greater, I find peace and purpose in the movement.

This didn’t come easily for me. My relationship with God, and even the idea of trusting something greater, has been shaped by experiences both beautiful and painful. I’ve had moments of profound connection but also seasons of doubt, hesitation, and hurt—especially when it came to traditional ideas of church and faith communities.

Understanding Hesitancy: Church Hurt and the Search for God

For a long time, I felt like I didn’t belong in church spaces. I’ve experienced what many call “church hurt”—those moments where people, judgment, or traditions overshadow the love and grace that faith is meant to represent. If you’ve felt this, you’re not alone. It’s a hard thing to reconcile when the very place that’s supposed to offer healing leaves wounds instead.

But over time, I realized that God isn’t confined to a building, a denomination, or a set of rules. God is bigger than any institution and more personal than any sermon could ever describe. What I came to understand is that God isn’t waiting for us to be perfect or to fit into a mold. God meets us where we are—in our doubts, our questions, and even our frustration—and gently invites us into something deeper.

Discovering Alignment Through God’s Presence

Alignment, for me, is less about striving and more about listening. It’s about quieting the noise of expectations—both from others and myself—and tuning into that still, small voice that says, “You are loved, you are seen, and you are enough.”

There were times when I resisted this voice, times when I felt too broken or unworthy to even approach God. But what I’ve discovered is that God doesn’t demand perfection. God asks for presence. When I stopped trying to figure everything out on my own and simply showed up—with all my mess, questions, and fears—I began to experience a kind of peace that words can’t fully capture.

Embracing the Bigger Picture

When we surrender control and trust the process, something incredible happens. The puzzle pieces of life—those that seemed random, painful, or out of place—begin to come together. It doesn’t always happen in the moment, and sometimes we don’t see the full picture until years later. But when I look back on my journey, I can see how even the hardest moments were part of a bigger story, one I couldn’t have written on my own.

This is where alignment comes in. It’s about trusting that your life is part of something greater, even if you don’t have all the answers. It’s about making choices that reflect faith, love, and purpose, and letting those choices guide your path forward.

Aligning with God in Everyday Life

Living in alignment doesn’t mean life suddenly becomes easy or predictable. It’s not about eliminating challenges but about facing them with a sense of peace and trust. For me, it looks like:

  • Choosing love over fear: When I’m tempted to shut down or protect myself, I try to lean into love—even when it feels vulnerable.

  • Letting go of control: Instead of clinging to plans, I remind myself that God’s plan is always bigger and better than mine.

  • Practicing gratitude: Even in hard seasons, I look for the small moments of grace and thank God for them.

  • Listening for guidance: Whether through prayer, quiet reflection, or simply being present, I tune into that still, small voice.

Reflective Exercise: Aligning Your Journey

Take some time to explore what alignment looks like for you with these steps:

1. Identify Misalignment

  • Are there areas in your life where you feel out of sync—where fear, control, or doubt are taking the lead?

  • What would it look like to invite God into those spaces?

2. Trusting the Bigger Picture

  • Reflect on a time in your life when things didn’t go as planned but worked out in unexpected ways. How might that experience remind you to trust in the process now?

3. Taking Aligned Action

  • What small step could you take today to align with love, trust, and faith? It could be a prayer, a conversation, or simply letting go of something you’ve been holding too tightly.

4. Affirming Your Path

  • Write down or reflect on an affirmation that reminds you to trust the journey. For example:

    • “I don’t need to see the whole picture to take the next step.”

    • “God’s plan for me is good, even when I don’t understand it.”

    • “I am loved, seen, and guided every step of the way.”

Closing: An Invitation to Keep Walking

Faith, trust, and alignment aren’t destinations—they’re a journey. They’re about showing up, even when it’s hard, and trusting that you’re not walking alone. If you’ve been hurt or hesitant, I want you to know this: You are not forgotten. You are not too far gone. The invitation to align with something greater is always open, no matter where you are or what you’ve been through.

The journey isn’t always easy, but it’s worth it. And as someone who has walked through the dark and found light on the other side, I can promise you this: When you trust, when you let go, and when you align with something bigger than yourself, you’ll discover a peace and purpose that words can’t describe.


The Power of Words: A Reflection on Thought, Speech, and Action


A Series on Faith: Part 4 Walking Blindfolded